Saturday, February 20, 2010

Major- and Minor Tyrannies in software

Serviceorientated Architecture (SOA) can enable/support redesign of business processes that can help organizations tap more of their potential or even providing uniquely new products and services.

But there are som pitfalls that might show up later in the process as obstacles, caused by lack of/forced- or accidental decisions. The pitfalls I will elaborate on here are those that dictate projects to use inapropriate technologies for the problem they are supposed to solve. I call these majority and minority software architecture tyrannies. Software architects must spot these and handle them properly.

Majorities often force inappopriate solutions on other projects in an organization, disquising this as standard solutions to be used. This eliminates good and qualified decisions in projects that is doing something different than previous project. Doing something different is the norm in software projects, as it often is part of renewal/change in business/technology.

Such standards is often invasive and impossible, or at least very hard, to change later.
Majority tyrannies must be met with knowledge about better alternatives, and how they can contribute to better supporting requirements and business strategy. In cases where standard noninvasive technology is forced, an isolation layer can be introduced to prevent unwanted dependency diffusion into architecture and code.

Standards often appears as a relieve, liberating the project architect from making decisions. Not staying alert can prove fatal to the project later on.

Survivor projects clinging to old or inappropriate technology can prevent others from moving on to better or more suitable technologies. Measures dependant projects can take is to create a Integration Anti Corruption Layer (orginal definition from DDD Anti Corruption) layer, so it will be easier to replace later.

A subset of minority tyranny cases is lack of proper versioning of dependencies, making releases of different projects interdependant. In SOA this is amplified and has become a runtime challenge, as opposed to earlier where this was primarily a build time problem. Several versions of shared services (and components) must be supported simultaneously to enable independent and smooth releases. In SOA the most flexible way of version handling is using the Evolving Endpoint pattern.

Consequences and how to deal with this
The concequence of making wrong/forcing/avoiding architecture decisions is high complexity in release management and ineffective software for supporting business processes. Since both organizations and software technology changes continously, decisions can not be be written on stone tablets. Previous decisions must be challenged, and discarded as they are
a) proven wrong
b) outdated
c) proved unecessary

This is part of SOA Governance and must be handled by a Center Of Excellence or Policy Advisory Board

Especially majorites often lead to Architectural monocultures, which is bad both seen from innovation (evolution) and security point of views. These are strong motivators for evaluating and make architectural decisions based on business requirements rather than what has worked before.

This post may appear as a anti standard manifest, but that is not my intention. Good standards have been reevaluated many many times, and survived these evaluations. This "process" will run the test-of-time on standards and give feedback for refinement. I think it can be viewed as variation of natural selection, where the fittest survive. Natural selection, by the way does, not apply in monocultures. Monocultures can produce odd mutations and eventually they collapse.

On a per service this manifests itself as providing multiple endpoints, that makes it as accesible, usable and flexible as possible. A service consumed by many clients gives it a strong position in the organization(s) using it, and thus it may itself become a well proven standard.