Designing software is a continuous task, requiring enduring effort and attention.
I strongly believe that the Code is the design. All efforts leading to the delivered code is just preparations for creating the design that gets released.
During the lifetime of a software product better and less good decisions are made along the way. Some decisions are made consciously and others more accidentally. After reading and discussing Technical Debt with my colleagues lately, I have come to think that is other economical terms that also fits on design decisions like investing. Investments can pay off, not paying off and not loosing, and loosing. What you do is make a bet. The greater the investment, the more certain you should be that is the right thing to do.
Ward Cunningham coined the Technical debt phrase. Martin Fowler and Steve McConnell has elaborated on it. This post tries to tie the investing term into software design. I really hope that by using these terms it is possible to create a software design meta language that is better understood by non technical decision makers.
Yesterday's decisions
Bad design from the past create technical debt. This debt should be downpayed (not just paying interests). It has to be a prioritized objective in every project to resolve this into better solutions.
Sometimes there is a need to do something to the design just get the next release out the door. These decisions typically creates debt as a rule of thumb. Make these investments as small as possible. Update: Got a useful comment from @javatotto, about that the effect of these kind of design decisions should be isolated, so as few dependencies to them are created from elsewhere. Great comment that could be topic for the next post ;-)
Investing for tomorrow is speculating. This is up front design, and often considered bad. This is especially true for projects that need the be able to change direction fast. It also requires an effort not helping you get the next release out of the door. You might even invest in something you will not need, which will represent a complete loss.
Small investments seldom make big trouble and can not represent big losses.
Big investments for tomorrow needs to be watched closely as they can potentially ruin the project. Maybe the worst thing about big investments are that they are extremely hard to dispose when they prove to be a loss. There is a cognitive attachment (ownership) that hinders replacing them with better solutions. The processes around big investments should be open, so that all people having a interests in it can have influence on how it develops. As I am a eager proponent for Open Innovation, I think especially these kind of investments can profit from developed as open source or at least open as possible.
Not paying down on the existing debt will ultimately be the terminator for a project. Final. I have seen some correlation between big investments and not paying down the technical debt in most projects I have participated.
Big investments for the future has potential to steal energy and focus (the projects short term capital) from things that should be fixed. Often it is the most talented developers involved in both activities, and they seldom manage to to both simultaneously. The worst case is when doing the wrong investment. That makes this even worse, as the debt grows dangerously fast.